[Actionchix] Final versions of robotux are here!

Val Henson val.henson at gmail.com
Sun Apr 2 06:00:08 EST 2006

On 4/1/06, Dancer Vesperman <dancer at anthill.echidna.id.au> wrote:
> This is a parade. I am a cloud. I am raining.
> I am not going to tell people what to do and not do about the licensing
> for these images. Only to remind them that in the past, porn and troll
> sites have tried to use the linuxchix name and logo. It's happened
> before. Someone will probably try it again.

I understand your point.  However, if we had it under a more
restrictive license, and someone used it in a way we didn't like, who
has the money to hire the lawyer to bring them to court to make them
stop?  I suppose we could restrictively license it in the hopes that
someday we have that much money, or a lawyer willing to do pro bono


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