[Techtalk] deep thoughts on Linuxchix

Carla Schroder carla at bratgrrl.com
Wed Mar 11 23:26:44 UTC 2015

hey all,

We've gotten a bit of discussion going, yay! Thanks to all volunteers
past and present-- more on that later.

I am pleased that I was wrong about our Drupal installation being
unmaintained-- Kathryn Hogg has been maintaining it all along and
keeping it patched. Thank you Kathryn! So, I don't think we need to
talk about doing anything to it except keep using it.

An immediate task that needs to be handled is the email from Argentina

> We are working on creating a LinuxChix chapter in Argentina. We
> already have some funds to announce our first meetup and for cover
> some travel
grants for assistants as well. We got in touch several weeks ago
> through the contact form and through IRC to ask for a subdomain to
> start working on our website. We would truly appreciate if someone can
> give us further guidance on that topic so we can proceed with the
> announce in the announce mailing list.

All they need is a subdomain, and someone to reply to them. Who did
they talk to? It is not good to ignore people.

And remember, friends, no cross-posting to grrls-only!


Ace Linux guru                         +
carlaschroder.com                      +
There's a dance in the old dame yet    +

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