[Techtalk] spanish speaking chixxor wanted please

Carla Schroder carla at bratgrrl.com
Tue Oct 14 21:16:36 UTC 2014

Hey all,

Will one of you good Spanish speakers please reply to Martha? Find out
what she needs and see if anyone here can give her a hand. I posted this
on Volunteers but there isn't much activity there-- thanks much!


note: Martha used Google translate is why her message is in English
note: Martha's email address is here 
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 21:17:06 +0000 (UTC)
From: piedradelnilo at gmail.com
To: lcx.chapters at linuxchix.org,carla at bratgrrl.com
Subject: [Chapter inquiries] Page spanish Chicas Linux not found

Martha Soto sent a message using the contact form at  

I am interested in following their contributions, but English is not
my native language, I am a user of Linux for 3 years, I installed the
versions of Linux Mint from Isadora to the present, but hardly the
terminal use. I would appreciate to give me correct link Girls Linux.

I congratulate you on your page, thanks in advance.

Martha Soto

Sorry I used google translate

Ace Linux guru                         +
carlaschroder.com                      +
There's a dance in the old dame yet    +

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