[Techtalk] Open Source Community Terms and Conditions

Logan Streondj streondj at gmail.com
Fri Oct 10 01:05:43 UTC 2014

The reason I'm posting here, is that it seems to be the most active
public mailing list on the linux chix site. I hope you will reply.

I'm working on a project, which aims to "level the playing field",
for females and non-english speakers, in regards to programming. 
The gyst is a controlled natural language, which is a pivot language,
and a programming language. 

I am confident that all humans capable of thoughtful writing, can
also learn to program if they wish. So the major gender disparity in 
open source software is indicative to me of a major culture problem.

>From my understanding main things involve discrimination against
beginners, with rudisms like RTFM, and STFW, seething sarcasm, and
insulting jokes, which unfortunately abound. Of course there is also
the gender specific insults and advances which hurt the community.

Anyways so my idea is to put rules in the terms and conditions, to
avoid these community destroying behaviours. Then after people do the
normal sign-up procedures, before they can post or contribute, they
would have to do a quiz, to make sure they read and understood those
terms and conditions. Which include info on reporting transgressions.

In case they break these rules, their account can be suspended, they
would be asked to read material and do a quiz pertaining to their 
transgression. After passing, they would have to make a public formal
apology before being allowed back into the community. 

Mostly I'm wondering what you think and feel about these measures.
Would they help to make it feel more safe to contribute and belong?

Logan Streondj

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