[Techtalk] LinkedIn Ubuntu connection weirdness

Meryll Larkin mll at alwanza.com
Wed Apr 21 23:27:09 UTC 2010

Turns out this was a "red herring" and I wanted to let you know.

We may not have "solved anything" other than to identify which piece of
hardware was responsible for the problem - which also counts for something.

The Coffeeshop "had the modem serviced" between the time that I could not
connect to LinkedIn and now that I can.  Now it works no matter what DNS
settings I use.  Seems I wasn't the only customer who had connection

My guess at why I couldn't connect until I switched my DNS settings ?   I
don't know.  I didn't try very hard (because I expected that it wouldn't
work), maybe it was some kind of browser caching?

I also wasn't able to ssh from that Coffeeshop in the past, and now I can.
That's why I asked the Coffeeshop owners if they had changed their Internet
connection settings.  I assumed that not being able to ssh was a port
setting in their wireless router (and that it was a business decision they
had made), but no:  it was due to the modem supplied by their ISP (because
the coffeeshop personnel didn't change any settings themselves).

So, mystery solved.  Thanks so much for your help!!!


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