[Techtalk] kernel panic

Conor Daly c.daly at met.ie
Thu Oct 30 11:17:43 UTC 2008

On Sun, Oct 26, 2008 at 09:30:22PM -0700 or thereabouts, Maria McKinley wrote:
> Rudy Zijlstra wrote:
> > 
> > If you start getting this more often, and you are running with X
> > enabled, then i would suggest to enable either network console logging
> > or serial console. In both cases you can capture the kernel panic dump.
> > It is the dump on the console that contains the information to trace
> > which aspect caused the panic. Without this, all you can do is guess.
> This is a server, so I don't have X enabled, as I don't really have user 
> accounts on it. Anybody know of a way to log the kernel panic dump that 
> doesn't involve X? I've always wondered if there was a way to log this 
> stuff.

Just looking at the RedHat knowledgebase they mention screen as an option
where you don't want to configure a netdump server.

Basically, you start a screen session, connect to the machine that is
experiencing the hangs and wait.  When the machine hangs the panic info is
in screenlog.0 .

Or you can configure a netdump server:

Though I think you need to do the <alt><sysrq> commands to get output here,
I'm not sure if the panic gets automatically sent though I think it is...

Conor Daly,                   
Met Eireann, Glasnevin Hill,  
Dublin 9, Ireland             
Ph +3531 8064276 Fax +3531 8064247

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