[Techtalk] Can tcsh report 'command had no output'?
Akkana Peck
akkana at shallowsky.com
Sun Oct 12 20:02:01 UTC 2008
Kelly Jones writes:
> Can I force tcsh to say "previous command returned empty stdout" or
> something? I often cut and paste shell output for my cow-orkers, and
> it's crucial to note when a command returns nothing.
> Currently, I insert the information manually:
> > ls | fgrep 'phrase'
> [no results]
> but it'd be nice if tcsh had a setting to do this automatically?
I don't know of a way to do that, but you can add them automatically
afterward in an editor like vim. For instance, if your tcsh prompt is
"% ", type this in vim:
:%s/\(^% .*$\n\)\(% \)/\1[no results]\r\2/
and it will insert [no output] after every command that didn't
produce output.
How it works:
: starts a command
% do the following command on every line of this file
s/ start a global substitute command
\( start a "capture group" -- you'll see what it does soon
^ match only patterns starting at the beginning of a line
% look for a % followed by a space (your prompt)
.* after the prompt, match any other characters until...
$ the end of the line, after which...
\n there should be a newline character
\) end the capture group after the newline character
\( start a second capture group
% look for another prompt. In other words, this whole
expression will only match when a line starting with a prompt
is followed immediately by another line starting with a prompt.
\) end the second capture group
/ We're finally done with the mattern to match!
Now we'll start the replacement pattern.
\1 Insert the full content of the first capture group
(this is also called a "backreference" if you want
to google for a more detailed explanation).
So insert the whole first command up to the newline
after it.
[no results] After the newline, insert your desired string.
\r insert a carriage return here (I thought this should be
\n for a newline, but that made vim insert a null instead)
\2 insert the second capture group (that's just the second prompt)
/ end of the substitute pattern
Of course, if you have a different prompt, substitute it for "% ".
If you have a complicated prompt that includes time of day or
something, you'll have to use a slightly more complicated match
pattern to match it.
Fun with regular expressions!
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