[Techtalk] why the unix filesystem hierarchy is better than drive letters

Anne Wainwright anotheranne at fables.co.za
Thu Oct 2 18:42:00 UTC 2008

Carla, hello

see below

On Wed, 1 Oct 2008 14:57:03 -0700
Carla wrote:

|> I don't remember which list this discussion was on, but someone asked
|'why is  > the unix root filesystem hierarchy better than the Windows
|way of using drive  > letters.' Several good responses followed. Then I
|ran across this article  > which gives a really good answer:
|> http://www.itwire.com/content/view/20943/1141/1/4/
|> cheers,
|> me

I think that was me, so thank you for the thought.

I understand his article. Move all your stuff from a crowded /home/anne
partition onto a new drive and mounting that on /home/anne lets you
access your stuff with all the extra room, and if you didn't know what
you had done you would not know where all the extra space had come from!

.... unless you used the df command as I learned just now from his
article (the -h or --human-readable option is nice).


so much to do, so little time :(

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