[Techtalk] USB to parallel adaptors for linux?

Anne Wainwright anotheranne at fables.co.za
Fri Jun 27 20:37:19 UTC 2008

On Wed, 25 Jun 2008 20:14:17 +0200
Anne wrote:

|> Hi, all
|> I carried my trusty HP5L home today with a new little usb adaptor to
|run > it from my laptop. (BAFO BF-1284 - the adaptor, not the laptop, a
|> chinese discard probably on 'special' for africa)
|> I didn't open the pack as the small print clearly listed Windows
|under > the list of requirements, and the contents include a CD with
|driver. Not > a mention of linux of course.

I decided to cut open the pack and plug it in. Within minutes we had my
printer connected, configured under cups, and running well.

Not a problem at all.



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