[Techtalk] New OpenOffice bails out at 'Welcome to OpenOffice.org" screen

Ian Balchin inksi at fables.co.za
Tue Jul 1 20:02:04 UTC 2008

On Tue, 1 Jul 2008 14:57:24 +0200
Wim wrote:

|> On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 10:50 PM, Anne Wainwright
|> <anotheranne at fables.co.za> wrote:
|> > I didn't have strace (the Libranet heritage of my system) but I
|> > downloaded from the deb site and installed. Odd behaviour
|> >
|> > First time around the welcome screen filled out, I answered
|questions > > and signed my life away on the terms and conditions, that
|went away and > > up came OOo Write on top. Looked good. Closed the
|terminal and all went > > away  :(
|> So it works fine if you start it from the command line? That's a bit

Only that first time. It run as root whether I log in to the root
account, or whether I run it from a root terminal. The behavior from my
user account has not changed, ie no go.

|> odd. The reason that it crashes after you close the terminal window
|is > that the process is started as a child process of the shell in the
|> command window. You can work around it by adding '&' the end of the
|> command or pressing ctrl-z when it's running and typing the "bg"
|> command.

that works. thanks for the tips.

This is crazy! This is a programme from Sun that runs fine on windows
but won't run on a linux box. The world has turned upside down.

|> Anyway, if it works from a command line this must mean there's
|> something going wrong starting from the menu, maybe an old menu entry
|> pointing to some remnant of an old install or something? If it's a
|> starter on your desktop you can probably right click it and look at
|> the details. In the menus, right click the menu open button itself
|and > use edit menus. At least I think there you can see what they
|point to > as right now it seems broken on my ubuntu system. I guess
|I'll be > filing a bug report later on today. :-)

So, sorry for the wrong direction there, I don't think it is the menu
entry. I was very thorough about cleaning out the old system. There was
nothing left behind. The old menu entries had gone, I did check.

|> >
|> > Subsequently no sign of the blue screen or anything else, strace is
|> > showing the program is in a loop, doing what I have no idea,
|because the > > same lines come up again and again.
|> >
|> It doesn't tell me much either. It's hard to make out much from
|system > calls unless you see it continuously failing to open some
|specific > file or something. Guess we're not so lucky. :-)
|> greets,
|> Wim

thanks for all the effort.

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