[Techtalk] finding a warm-mist humidifier that isn't garbage
gossamer axe
gsmraxe at gmail.com
Mon Dec 22 17:48:04 UTC 2008
I have an AutoImmune disease that forces me to use a humidifier. I can't
install a house one, but I found a ReliOn warm mist humidifier at my local
WalMart for around $30. I found that using distilled water keeps the
calcium buildup to a minimum. I use it at work, in a large warehouse, and
it's kept running for a few months now, even with all the dirt, welding
dust, and grinding metal dust that's circulating around in here.
I just empty it everyday and let it air dry at night when I go home.
It's one device I can't live without...
On Sun, Dec 21, 2008 at 8:01 PM, Carla Schroder <carla at bratgrrl.com> wrote:
> On Sunday 21 December 2008 16:22:34 Elwing wrote:
> > We used to use a Vicks warm humidifier, but it does share some of the
> > problems you point out - you have to add salt to get steam, and it
> > leaves cruddy stuff at the bottom to clean out every night. Our new
> > house has a whole house humidifier (Aprilaire 560
> I just want a room humidifier. I've tried both cool and warm mist, and I
> like
> the warm mist better.
> I am leaning towards electric hot plate + kettle. I have no reason to be
> suspicious of the safety of hot plates, except scary stories from landlords
> in my distant past. Thoughts anyone? Other than "don't fall on it when
> you're
> stumbling around all sleepy in the dark on the way to the bathroom". :)
> Carla
> --
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