[Techtalk] Creating feeds - how to update?

Michelle Konzack linux4michelle at tamay-dogan.net
Fri Aug 22 22:59:00 UTC 2008

Am 2008-08-19 13:10:34, schrieb Brianna Laugher:
> Hi chix & friends,
> I want to create a RSS/atom feed based on changing data from the
> Wikipedia main page. MediaWiki has some support for feeds but I want
> to tidy it up, remove duplicate info and generally make it look
> prettier. Getting and processing the data is no problem, and I will
> probably use <http://www.dalkescientific.com/Python/PyRSS2Gen.html> to
> generate my feed, but I'm not exactly sure how to update it.
> I will have a cron job that runs a Python script each hour that checks
> if the data has been updated. But if it has, how do I modify the feed
> file?
> Do I just overwrite the old feed file completely? Insert the new feed
> items into the file? How long should old items stay in the feed? The
> file would get too long if everything stayed in there forever...

Why not use something like:

----[ command 'apt-cache search rss' ]----------------------------------
libapache-mod-index-rss - Output RSS indexes of website content
libxml-rss-perl - Perl module for managing RSS (RDF Site Summary) files
python-pyrss2gen - A Python interface for generating RSS 2.0 feeds
rsskit.framework - GNUstep framework for parsing and manipulating RSS feeds

I my self have coded an RSS feeder in php5 for my website  where  I  can
put one info per file in a RSS-Directory and they will be  put  together
into and rss-feed.  Also I can set expiration time by message...

If you know, the syntax of RSS-Feed files, you can  create  them  easyly
using php5, perl, python or even a BaSH script.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
    Michelle Konzack
    24V Electronic Engineer
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
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