[Techtalk] Auto-join invite-only channels in xchat

Mary Gardiner mary at puzzling.org
Thu May 31 23:28:45 UTC 2007

On Thu, May 31, 2007, Valerie Henson wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Recently I've been experimenting with invitation-only IRC channels,
> which require you to request an invitation before you can join.  One
> of the problems I ran into was auto-joining an invite-only channel
> using xchat.  I first tried this:

So, backing up a little: where do I put these commands? In a file? In
what directory? With what permissions? [1] Does it run automatically
when I join the server or do I have to type a command?

And is there some way to make it server specific? I don't have the same
nickname across multiple servers, and I certainly don't join the same
channels in all of them.


[1] xchat documentation is abysmal at silly little introductory
questions like "these script things, where do they go?"

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