[Techtalk] filtering command line

Miriam English mim at miriam-english.org
Mon Jun 11 13:42:05 UTC 2007

anisa khan wrote:
> maybe you will find what you need here:
> http://unxutils.sourceforge.net/
> and a simple 'tr' might even do
> tr [oldchar] [newchar] 
> ie. tr \/ \\

Thank you oodles Anisa. It seems like 'tr' is exactly what I was looking 

Also, thanks for the suggestion of unixutils for MSWin. I already have 
them but never noticed 'tr' in there before (silly me). What I needed 
was something that worked on Linux, and tr, being a standard part of 
Linux seems to be just the thing.

I'm grateful. I could have read and read for ages without finding that. :)

Best wishes,

	- Miriam

A life! Cool! Where can I download one of those from?
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