[Techtalk] Intro and a question

Billie Erin Walsh bilwalsh at swbell.net
Fri Jun 8 03:01:17 UTC 2007

On 06/05/2007 Digital Era wrote:
> Pay a visit to below, the site has alot of open-source
> mapping utils, mostly *NIX:
> http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/

I'll check it out.

Bethany wrote:
> One more thing... 
> I'm wondering, off hand, are you going to be chasing with a radar, or
> cameras? 
I'm sorry but I seem to have deleted the Google Maps suggestion.

Anyway. We have been experiencing ISP problems for a few days so I
haven't been able to send any mail. Barely could get connected to
receive any very often. SO, I'm sorry for the delay in replying.

To try to answer some of the questions and suggestions:

We have some software [ not freeware unfortunately ] that works only in
Windows to give us near real time radar from the National Weather
Service. It is also GPS compatible so it will place or position on the
radar maps. [ Nice to know where you are in relation to the storm *<[:o)  ]

Hmmm, maybe a little more background information is in order. We have a
GMC Safari that we are outfitting. We installed a desk with a desktop
computer running off a 1000 Watt Vanner inverter [ PURE sine wave output
suitable for medical equipment in an ambulance ]. This uses a Sprint
Broadband card to connect to the internet. The internet is shared inside
the van by a wireless router to our laptops. Tracie will be in the
middle seat navigating from the radar on the desktop, and her laptop. I
need to have street level mapping up front to make sure I'm not getting
caught on a dead end road at the worst possible time. We have two way [
ham ] radios and scanners to monitor, and report to, the local Skywarn
Network. Also have television to monitor local TV stations.

We have a video capture setup to get some video [ can make some pretty
good $$$ with decent video ], hopefully from far enough away. I'm not
quite ready for a trip to Oz just now. I wish we could figure out a way
to get our own Doppler radar, but I think that's just a bit out of our
budget [ unless I can win the lottery *<[:oD  ].

Google mapping might work as long as the cell towers stay up and
functioning. BUT, these seem to be like mobile homes. Tornado magnets.
That's why I really need something that is completely loaded onto my
computer and independent of any outside information.

In a pinch the van could also be used as a mobile command center in an
emergency situation in conjunction with the local ARES group. Still
looking for a small generator to add to the mix so we could be
independent of outside electricity for extended periods. So far we
haven't had any weather close enough to us to give it a real workout,
but we have made a few shakedown cruises around the area to check out
the systems.

Billie Walsh
The three best words in the English Language:
Pass them on!

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