[Techtalk] Re:Split a directory : Thank you

Figaro ynegorp at charter.net
Thu Dec 28 16:20:06 UTC 2006

Thank you,
I'll try it later today. Somehow I thought that there would be problems
when splitting up the old /usr between different disks. Therefore, I
never tried it.
Thank you.
> No need to set up symlinks, instead, mount the new filesystem on
> /usr/share .  It goes something like this:
> 1.  Fit new disk
> 2.  Partition new disk
> 3.  Make filesystem on new disk
> 4.  Mount new filesystem on a temporary mount point (/mnt)
> 5.  Copy files over to new filesystem (cp -a or rsync)
> 6.  Unmount the new filesystem
> 7.  Rename /usr/share to /usr/share1
> 8.  Create directory /usr/share
> 9.  Mount new filesystem on /usr/share
> 10. Edit /etc/fstab to add the /usr/share mount line.
> 11. Delete /usr/share1 when you're happy that the system is fine.
> That's it...
> Conor
> -- 
> Conor Daly,                   
> Met Eireann, Glasnevin Hill,  
> Dublin 9, Ireland             
> Ph +3531 8064276 Fax +3531 8064247

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