[Techtalk] understanding udev

Gebhard Dettmar gebhard.dettmar at student.hu-berlin.de
Mon Dec 25 09:55:42 UTC 2006

On Sunday 24 December 2006 20:39, Akkana Peck wrote:
> [...]
> This all boils down to Edgy's elimination of the hotplug and
> pcmcia-cs systems in favor of doing everything through udev and
> a udev helper called pccardctl. In previous Ubuntu releases it was
> pretty easy to tweak the udev and hotplug systems to work together:
> /etc/hotplug was all scripts so I could put in debugging lines
> to figure out how control passed from one script to another,
> but /lib/udev is all binaries so that's no longer an option.
Sorry, this is no help at all but all you wrote sounds like: use Debian 
(and get the latest kernel sources). Maybe on Edgy udev is compiled with 
options missing you need (and who wants to compile udev anyway)
Regards, gebhard

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