[Techtalk] Forum Software - clean, simple, no redundancies?

MK Hayes mk_hayes at charter.net
Mon Dec 11 13:07:12 UTC 2006

I made the decision not to go with phpBB for the same reasons when
setting up a new website for my camera club.  What I went with is Simple
Machines Forum. http://simplemachines.org/ I mainly went with it because
it has the best website supporting it of all the software I've looked
at. (This includes Joomla and Coppermine, which I'm also running.)  The
support forums have been very helpful when I've needed help.  And
integration with the other packages works very well.  I've got only one
login for the whole site, so user maintenance is easy.  

I'm not a programmer, so my opinion on the code should be taken with a
large grain of salt.  Although the community support is GREAT, I find
the coding itself to be much more complicated than with Coppermine or
Joomla.  Specifically, the theming system is quite convoluted.  I've
surprised myself while working on this website how much of the backend
software I've been able to understand, but SMF still confuses me.

Hope this helps.

On Mon, 2006-12-11 at 01:36 +0100, binaryjane wrote:
> Hi,
> I am looking for some open source code for a forum, and don't want to
> use phpBB (which is all I have experience with) due to the fact that
> it is so heavy. It also has a gazillion features that I don't need.
> Do any of you have experience with other forum software?
> Kat
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