[Techtalk] UIs for Oracle

Cynthia Kiser cnk at ugcs.caltech.edu
Sat Nov 12 03:28:25 EST 2005

Quoting Lynn Kuhlman <lynn at eskimo.com>:
> Are there any COTS or easy UIs to incorporate with Oracle tables and
> stored procedures? I know Oracle has HTML_DB but I don't know how easy
> that is to use. I don't need anything complicated just something easy for
> a demo.

You haven't really given us enough to go on - what kind of demo? 

But if a web UI is acceptable, Ruby on Rails is *extremely* easy to
get running, runs on most major platforms, and is supposed to talk to
Oracle. I have only tried MuSQL and Postgres so far, but will hook it
up to my Oracle instance when I get a chance. 

Life is easier if you get to name your tables and columns according to
the Rails conventions, but it isn't very hard to add the mapping
information for legacy schemas.

Watch this 15 minute demo. It will perhaps take you 10 x as long to get up and
running  - so budget 2.5 hours <grin>


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