[Techtalk] Monitoring Programs

Dominik Schramm dominik.schramm at gmxpro.net
Fri Oct 8 15:19:26 EST 2004


Phil Savoie <psavoie1783 at rogers.com> writes:

> Would like to know if there are monitoring programs that monitor the 
> following: server processes, memory, bandwidth, routers,
> servers, hosts.

at work we use nagios (formerly called "netsaint") for an ever-
increasing number of servers, network daemons etc.
it's highly customizable, runs very stable, and plugins for almost
everything (e.g. win32 cpu/memory/disk monitor) either already exist
or you can easily write one in the programming language of your choice
(perl and c plugins are delivered with nagios).

see www.nagios.org for more information.


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