[Techtalk] querying RPM for recently installed packages

Conor Daly c.daly at met.ie
Wed May 26 09:47:07 EST 2004

On Wed, May 26, 2004 at 03:27:15PM +1000 or thereabouts, John Clarke wrote:
> This script prints all packages installed withing the last n days:
>     # set IFS to newline so that the loop variable contains the
>     # package name and date
>     IFS='
>     '

This wouldn't work when I pasted from mutt.  I had to manually insert the
newline in vi after.  This is an artifact of copy/paste rather than the

>         if [ $time -lt $limit ]

It works for me only if this is '-ge' (we want 'younger than $limit')

Conor Daly,                   Please avoid sending me 
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