[Techtalk] cvs permissions
Conor Daly
c.daly at met.ie
Tue May 18 11:31:39 EST 2004
On Mon, May 17, 2004 at 08:41:15PM -0700 or thereabouts, nicole wrote:
> At 23:08 on May 17, Conor Daly shook the earth with:
> >
> > I can get around that by making parallel repositories for 'devel' and
> > 'doc' but that isn't elegant or extensible. Is there something I'm
> > missing? A different authentication method?
> I'm no CVS genius, let alone inheriting file permissions genius, but what
> would prevent you from having a subdirectory sgid another gid?
> For example:
> Repository: devel
> /var/cvs/devel/ sgid devel
> /var/cvs/devel/docs/ sgid docs
> /var/cvs/devel/src/ sgid src
Can you do 'cvs co docs/foo' to checkout module 'foo' and avoid having to
maintain CVSROOT/modules? OK, tried that. You can 'cvs co docs/foo' but
you can also do 'cvs co docs' as a module of its own. I don't want that to
be available. Back to 'Essential CVS' for that...
> In your CVSROOT/modules, you could have something like:
> devel devel
> docs devel/docs&
> src devel/src&
> If people just wanted to check out "docs" or "src" instead of the whole
> "devel" tree.
This requires CVSROOT/modules to be maintained by hand doesn't it? What
happens when someone does a 'cvs import' of a new module? I suppose I could
create scripts to automatically divert imports based on one of the tags in
the commandline. That could create the relevant subdirs and update
CVSROOT/modules. Then I have to cope with the same module name being
applied to a 'devel' module and a 'doc' module and safely reject such
> I don't know if the subdir sgid groups thing will work... I haven't tried
I'll poke at it, could be interesting...
OK, did that, it works.
ra% ls -l
total 36
drwxrwxr-x 3 dba other 1024 May 17 10:06 CVSROOT
drwxrwsr-x 4 dba staff 512 May 18 11:05 cdtemp
ra% ls -l cdtemp
total 4
drwxrwsr-x 3 dba other 512 May 18 11:07 test
drwxrwsr-x 2 dba staff 512 May 18 11:05 testcd
ra% ls -l cdtemp/test
total 4
-r--r--r-- 1 dba other 381 May 18 10:56 test,v
drwxrwsr-x 2 dba other 512 May 18 11:07 testdba
ra% ls -l cdtemp/testcd
total 2
-r--r--r-- 1 dba staff 379 May 18 11:05 test,v
'cdtemp' is group 'staff' and SGID.
'test' is group 'other' under 'cdtemp' and is SGID
'testdba' is under 'test' and is group 'other'
'testcd' is group 'staff' under 'cdtemp'
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