[Techtalk] Linux email viruses

Devdas Bhagat devdas at dvb.homelinux.org
Thu Jul 22 14:33:25 EST 2004

On 21/07/04 15:57 -0700, Carla Schroder wrote:
> Is it accurate to say 'there are no Linux email viruses/Trojan 
> horses/rootkits/backdoors/Trojan downloaders etc.' ?

Some email clients on Linux have been known to be exploitable by message
content. None of them has been as pervasive as Outlook/Outlook Express
on Windows, so there has been no real reason to attack the system

I have heard rumours of Mozilla downloaders (based on whatever Mozilla
has as an equivalent for ActiveX). None of them are borne by email.

The deadliest virus borne by email in Linux that I have known of is the
honour virus.

	This is a honour virus. Linux users should not miss out on the
fun that Windows users are having with viruses.
	Please delete a random bunch of your own files and then send a
copy of this message to all the people in your address book.

	Thank you,
The honour virus

It is safer to say that there are no email borne worms in the wild as of

Devdas Bhagat

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