Subject: Re: [Techtalk] Editing a PDF file

Dan Shearer dan at
Thu Jul 1 16:26:51 EST 2004

On Wed, Jun 30, 2004 at 03:56:14PM -0400, Terri Oda wrote:
> Is there some legal reason that no one's written an open source PDF 
> editor?  PDF is also an open format, as far as I know (the specs are 
> available on Adobe's website).
> I attended a lecture earlier this year by a professor who mentioned 
> that this is definitely missing in the open source world. 

Some components exist in the Panda library,

> ps2pdf just don't cut it. (ps2pdf caused a pretty nasty loss of quality 
> in all the documents I've tried it on, although I'll admit I've avoided 
> using it for nearly a year now so *maybe* it's improved.)  I fake it 
> all by printing to pdf on my mac, but it'd be handy to be able to make 
> notes in documents the way you can with Acrobat...

PDF generation through a Jade (XML) or TeX toolchain produces
high-quality results.

Dan Shearer
dan at

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