[Techtalk] OpenOffice.org wizards: how do I...

Rasjid Wilcox rasjidw at openminddev.net
Thu Jan 15 23:29:38 EST 2004

On Thursday 15 January 2004 21:16, Sue Stones wrote:
> Here are some things I have had trouble with, does anyone know how to deal
> with these things ...

Firstly, you really should be using the 'Math' component of OO for anything 
complicated.  Try 'Insert - Object - Formula' in your document.  For help, 
just go to the Contents - Formulas.

I'd recommend having a look at the samples (under OpenOffice.org Math 

I'm answering in reverse order, since for 2) is actually clearer to me what 
the correct answer is than 1).

> 2) more improtantly, because I can't do it at all - iw there a way to get
> words to line up diferently...  For example when writting a definition of a
> function that contains 2 parts,  eg
> f(x) = { x if x is odd
>          { x + 1 if x is even
> Normally in maths this is formatted with the bracket embracing both of the
> following lines ie it has to be written  across two line of text.  (This is
> important).  Also the initial "f(x)" is virtically aligned in the center of
> the bracket and the following 2 lines.  (This part is optional).

This can definitely be done using 'Insert - Object - Formula':

Do that, and then paste the following in the window at the bottom that has 
f(x) =  left lbrace matrix{x  # if x is odd ## x+1 # if x is even} right none

Then click back in your main document.

This should be all typeset as you want.

> 1) writting subscripts and superscripts: it seems that every time I need to
> use one I have to go to the format menu -> character (box) -> change to
> suscript -> OK.  Then to change back I have to do the whole thing again.
> Even keyboard instructions have to go through each step.  This is a lost of
> typing to get one number and means I have to concentrate on formatting not
> content. Is there a faster way of doing this?

It is unclear to me whether this is best done in the Forumla (Math) component 
of OpenOffice, or just as text formatting.

If sticking with text formatting, you could try recording a macro.

In formula mode, you just need to do:
A^{1} for a superscript, and 
B_{2} for a subscript.

I would suggest making a keyboard short-cut to 'Insert - Object - Formula'.

This can be done by going to 'Tools - Configure - Keyboard'.  Choose an empty 
shortcut key (or one that you are happy to overwrite).  Then for 'Category' 
select 'Insert' and for 'Function' select 'Insert OpenOffice.org Math'.

Others may have suggestions on the superscipt/subscript stuff, since the Math 
mode option is probably not going to be what you want if this is in what is 
otherwise an ordinary line of text.

Lastly, you could always post your question to the OpenOffice list.  :-)



Rasjid Wilcox
Canberra, Australia (UTC +11 hrs)

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