[Techtalk] network query

Mary mary-linuxchix at puzzling.org
Sun Jan 11 23:48:24 EST 2004

On Sun, Jan 11, 2004, Finne Boonen wrote:
> basically:
>                                       ____________(ip4)___machine
>                                      |
> ISP---------(ip1)---Gateway--(ip2)----------------(ip3)---machine
> machine 3 and machine 4 communicate with the gateway by means of ip2, the
> gateway will take care of sending them out correctly.
> You can mix dhcp and fixed ip, just make sure to give the dhcp ip's a
> different range then the fixed ip's in order to prevent  2 machines using
> the same ip. Another solution might be to give every machine a dhcp ip and
> attach specific ip's to different mac adressess.

Another way of saying this is that the system for assigning ips 2, 3 and
4 is completely independent from the ISP's system for assigning ip 1.
You can set up your own DHCP system or hardcode the ips for each

You might want to have a look through the archives of the "courses"
list: http://linuxchix.org/pipermail/courses/ for the networking course
-- it was aimed at people looking to set up a home network. Networking
posts have [Network] in the subject. Watch out in particular for posts
by Hamster, who was the course organiser. Unusually for networking
documentation, it is pretty good at covering distro tools as well as
generic Linux tools.


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