[Techtalk] RE: having problems with cvs add -- solved

Nicoya Helm nhelm2 at kumc.edu
Thu Feb 26 09:35:45 EST 2004

I'm somewhat new to CVS myself, so I can't speak to the relative paths
part, but I did learn a trick that allows you not to have to type the
whole :pserver:user at server bit.  Don't know if it will work w/ WinCVS,
but w/ "regular" cvs, it will always look for CVSROOT if the :pserver:
info isn't given explicitly.  So, you can set an environment variable
for CVSROOT and not have to type that w/ every CVS command.

for example
export CVSROOT=:ext:dennisw at cvs.server:/root 

Then all you would have to type is
cvs add /your/stuff/here

I put mine in my .bashrc so I don't have to worry about my cvs server
path anymore (unless it changes).


>>> "Dennis Wheeler" <dennisw at vidiator.com> 2/25/2004 6:56:24 PM >>>

First I must cd to the directory where the file exists and add it from
  $ cd tools/BuildProcess
  $ cvs -d :ext:dennisw at cvs.server:/root add DoAllVMT_DevQA.bat

Seems like one ought to be able to specify a relative path when adding

Thanks to everyone who tried to help -- you ladies are the best

-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis Wheeler 
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2004 3:23 PM
To: techtalk at linuxchix.org 
Subject: having problems with cvs add

I'm having problems with a cvs add and I don't understand the error
message enough to figure out how to correct it

  $ cvs -d :ext:dennisw at cvs.server:/root add
  dennisw at cvs.server's password:
  cvs add: in directory .:
  cvs [add aborted]: there is no version here; do 'cvs checkout' first

I did previously do a cvs checkout first, that's how I've got the
sources that I have already. But now I just need to add this one file,
and it won't let me.

What am I missing?

The cvs server is WinCVS (sorry, wasn't my doing), and I'm using a
cygwin bash shell

(I'm on the digest list, so direct reply's or cc's are welcome)

-- D
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