[Techtalk] chkconfig

Elena Lean elena.lean at u4eatech.com
Tue Feb 17 10:15:41 EST 2004

Akkana Peck wrote:
> WeeBit writes:
>>Ok so how do I run chkconfig? And where, and how? 
> I think chkconfig is a redhat-ism (and a nice one -- it's a useful
> program).  On Debian, there's something called update-rc.d (yes, the
> program itself has a .d in the name) to enable/disable services
> like chkconfig does.  I can never remember the syntax, so I added
> some notes for the common cases to my "debian cheat sheet" page,
> http://www.shallowsky.com/linux/debnotes.html (scroll down to
> "Boot Time Services" near the bottom).  I also have a script there,
> lsconfig, to list active services, sort of like chkconfig --list,
> since debian didn't seem to have any easy way to do that.

Definatelly a bit of RedHat-ism, but since we are talking about 
Mandrake, it's bound to be more like RedHat than Debian or Gentoo, that 
I personally like hehe. The benefit of chkconfig is that you can turn 
on/off services on a different run-levels quite easily.

> Maybe users of other distros (you mentioned Mandrake) can tell us
> what the equivalent is there ...
> 	...Akkana
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Elena Lean

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