[Techtalk] A little brag

Beth Johnson linux.chick at verizon.net
Thu Feb 5 22:48:06 EST 2004

My latest project:
the hubby just got a G4 iBook, so I inherited sole ownership of our old
G3 iBook (1 usb).

I'd had Yellow Dog on it, but was unsatisfied at how little updating I
could do.  ;-)  Not to mention YDL didn't have a new build of GAIM in

So I downloaded the Gentoo ppc liveCD.  And now, 1 week after my initial
partition and install attempt (after a couple of "learning episodes"), I
have Gentoo installed from Stage 2 on the iBook, with the 2.6 kernel and
3D XFree86, dual booting with Panther.

How cool is that?!

resting on her laurels, while emerging evolution,
 (o)<  Beth Johnson
 / \   Springfield MA USA
_\ w   "The GPL is SCO's tar baby,"--Pamela Jones, Groklaw

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