[Techtalk] Problems with a script and PPTP/VPN

Sara saracasan at yahoo.es
Fri Feb 6 02:55:07 EST 2004

Hi again.

I'm trying to connect via VPN/PPTP (it's what my
university is using
for public access)  and I'm having problems.
I have the kernel prepared for it (I've checked it),
but on trying to connect with
a script that a gnu-linux group from my university
has in its web site, it doesn't seem to work (I run it
as root). 
Could you take a look at it? It seems that there are
some mistakes:



echo "User"
read &USER

echo "Password" 
stty -echo
read &PASS

echo "Conecting..."

pump -i eth1 &&

sleep 5 &&

pptp user &USER password &PASS debug
noauth defaultroute usepeerdns &&

sleep 10 &&

echo nameserver>>/etc/resolv.conf

route add default gw


The problem seems to be the "&PASS" and "&USER". I've
changed the
"&" for  "$" and the script runs, but  it gives the
"SIOCADDRT: Network is unreachable". 

I'm trying to install a front-end pptp client, but I'm
running into dpendencies
problems all the while, so I'd like to be able to use
this script. 

Thanks in advance.



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