[Techtalk] mutt config issue: copying instead of moving messages

Riccarda Cassini riccarda.cassini at gmx.de
Tue Aug 17 18:59:12 EST 2004

On Tue, Aug 17, 2004 at 10:23:23PM +1000, Rasjid Wilcox wrote:
> On Tuesday 17 August 2004 09:27, Riccarda Cassini wrote:
> > Just in case anyone should perceive the same need as I did, I'd of
> > course be happy to share further instructions - though, if you want a
> > proper patch (you know, that thing that people send in when they say
> > they're "submitting a patch"), you'll have to tell me how to create
> > it... my local guru just went on vacation ;-)
> <soapbox>
> If it improves the program <...>

...that's exactly the question ;-)   Essentially, I added some feature
which *I* find convenient.  But hardcoding that behaviour might not be
to everyone's taste.  So, to make a useful patch out of this, I'd
probably have to make it configurable, for example by adding a new
config variable "copy_untag", similar in spirit to the existing
"delete_untag".  But for this, I'd of course first have to figure out
how that part works...

Yesterday, I felt a bit lazy and didn't bother, in particular as I
myself can't really think of a reason to turn that feature off, anyway.
But maybe I'll look into this some time soon - even if it's only to get
a chance submitting a patch to some OSS project (and watch how people
react when a female newbie is doing it... - just kidding :-)

Thanks for all the tips on diff'ing and patching!


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