[Techtalk] Good firewall configuration tool for debian

Tracey Clark grrliegeek at elenari.net
Fri Apr 9 13:30:26 EST 2004

And it was said by Devdas Bhagat-->
> NAT is evil. It breaks the peer to peer nature of the Internet.

Please explain how it breaks the peer to peer nature of the Internet?
Please explain how that is "evil"? And - since there is a fininte amount
of addresses under IPv4, explain how else companies / small businesses /
everyone who wants a connection to the Internet are able to get every
computer hooked up to the internet if they cannot all have a direct IP?

> Paying for routable IP addresses? There is plenty of IPv4 address space
> to go around still. Ask your ISP to carry IPv6 instead.

There are 4,294,967,296 available addresses with IPv4. Until the advent
of IPv6, that number meant that not all thingies could have their own
IP's. Also, the cost would be prohibitive for entities with a few million
computers and network devices. Of course, this limitation is not present
in IPv6, and if you can pressure your ISP into it, great. However, what
about those of us who have only two options, both huge monopolies which
can barely get good service going, never mind change their whole network?
(In Austin, TX there is either Southwestern Bell or Road Runner for
broadband access).

> Get a better ISP. Seriously, a clued ISP is worth money.

I agree. Not everyone has one in their neighborhood, unfortunately.

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