[Techtalk] Home Internet access on Linux

Beth Johnson linux.chick at verizon.net
Thu Sep 25 20:54:36 EST 2003

On Thu, 2003-09-25 at 20:15, Virginia K. Wills wrote:

> Thanks for your reply. I guess this leaves this out as possibly an 
> option since I live about 8 miles from the nearest town. Looks like we 
> are stuck with either dial-up or satellite.

Not necessarily.  Many ISPs that offer DSL have websites where you can
check to see if it's available for your particular phone number.   Try
your number.  The place where they need to hook into isn't necessarily
in a town.  In fact, we're in a moderate size city and are barely within
range for our DSL.

  /\/\    Beth Johnson
 / o o\   Cosmic Wonderer
( / ^^\)  Springfield, MA USA
 \ M_M/   "Ruling a country is like cooking a small fish--
           you have to handle it with care."--Lao Tzu

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