[Techtalk] Kill question

Tabatha Marshall tabatha at merlinmonroe.com
Thu Sep 18 11:33:46 EST 2003

Hi folks,

I am trying to find an easier way to kill processes on my system.  I
typically work remotely, accessing my RH8 machine from a WinXP machine,
and have XDMCP and Cygwin set up.  I often just open a shell and ssh
into the machine to run programs, including X apps.

When I run Evolution from a shell, and then exit, there are always
processes left over.  If I do a quick ps -aux | grep tabatha (my user
name) and find them, I can kill the pids by listing them with the
command (ie, kill 111 112 113, etc.) but it's such a pain to type all
the numbers from the lappie (yeah, I'm lazy).

So if I can locate all the processes running by grepping my username, is
there any way to kill this way too?  We have been reading everything
over here to find the answer, but just aren't seeing it.  If not, are
there any other ways that might make this easier on me?

Thanks in advance for any help and advice you have!


Tabatha Marshall
Web: www.merlinmonroe.com
Linux Documentation Project Review Coordinator (http://www.tldp.org)
Linux Counter Area Manager US:wa (http://counter.li.org)

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