[Techtalk] Web page downloads with null characters

Brenda Bell k15a-list-linuxchix at theotherbell.com
Tue Oct 21 16:44:44 EST 2003

Quoting Katie Bechtold <katie at katie-and-rob.org>:

> but it does seem to work often enough that naïve
> web-page writers who never knew they needed a Content-Type header
> look at their page in a web browser and it looks ok, until one day,
> they write something that doesn't exactly conform to the
> letter-frequency-distribution of their native language, and Internet
> Explorer decides it's Korean and displays it thusly, proving, I
> think, the point that Larry Wall's quote about being "strict in what
> [you] emit and liberal in what [you] accept" is quite frankly not a
> good engineering principle.

I can't argue with that.  Particularly since authors are expected to write
while browsers are expected to render... not guess.  I thought the whole
point of encoding specs was to eliminate the need for the "reader makes
right" principal.  But then again, since when has MS played by the rules :)

> [1] http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/Unicode.html

Great link... thanks for sharing it.


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