[Techtalk] Partitioning issues.
dev_null at iriXx.org
Fri Jul 25 22:42:55 EST 2003
Staci wrote:
> I think what I really need is for someone to tell me how to rewrite the partition table.
> If there's a tool that'll look at what's there and rewrite the table based on that.
> I get the feeling that's what gpart is supposed to do, and there might be a way to do it with parted too, but I
> don't understand how. :(
> Is there a way to do it without tools?
have you tried cfdisk? (curses-based fdisk)
it requires a bit of reading of the man pages, but its got wonderful
tools in the 'type' section and 'geometry'. it saved my machine last
night when i'd had this problem:
which is apparently due to conflicts between Partition Magic 8 and
Linux. somehow PM had managed to set my windows partition to hidden, so
i had to change the type of filesystem - theres a huge choice under cfdisk.
i'm not sure if this will help in your situation but i wanted to point
it out as an invaluable tool (and something worth knowing if you're
running xp and suddenly everything goes belly up...!)
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