[Techtalk] Trying to copy an avi file to a CD

Andrea Landaker qirien at icecavern.net
Tue Jul 8 13:58:40 EST 2003

> I'm trying to copy an avi file with K3b, but it
> doesn't seem to work. After
> copying it, I try to play it, but it gives an error
> "format not recognized".
> Can't I copy this kind of files with K3b? If so, do
> you know of some app I
> could use for it?

There's no reason that shouldn't work -- whether a file is on a CD or on the  
network or on your hard drive, it should be the same.  I'm assuming that you 
don't get any errors trying to play the avi file when it's on your hard 
drive?  If you do, then it's probably a codec problem, and not a CD problem.

Now, if you're trying to make a VCD or SVCD, I don't think k3b can do that.  
This page (http://www.satlug.org/~bigjnsa/vcd-linux.htm) has a pretty good 
linux VCD how-to, though.

I hope this helps!

Andrea Landaker

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