[Techtalk] [FAQ] Grrltalk FAQ

LinuxChix FAQs lcx.faqs at linuxchix.org
Sat Jan 4 20:01:11 EST 2003

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                                 LinuxChix FAQ


                                 LinuxChix FAQ

  Jennifer Vesperman

  Deb Richardson

   Converted to Docbook XML: Mary Gardiner

   Copyright (c) Jennifer Vesperman and Deb Richardson. All rights reserved.

   | Revision History                                                       |
   | Revision 1.0                      | January 4 2002                     |
   | Mary Gardiner converts to Docbook XML                                  |


   This is the general LinuxChix FAQ. You can find the latest version online
   at http://www.linuxchix.org/content/docs/faqs/.

   This FAQ is posted once a month to every public LinuxChix list.

   Discussion of this FAQ is welcome on <issues at linuxchix.org>.

   1. Why did Deb start LinuxChix?

   2. Is LinuxChix solely for women? Are the lists solely for women? How
   about the chapters?

   3. If men are welcome, why call it LinuxChix?

   4. What's a linuxchix chapter and how do I find one?

   5. How do I start a LinuxChix chapter in my region?

   6. Who drew the LinuxChix logo?

   7. Who hosts the LinuxChix site and mailing lists?

   8. Who is running LinuxChix?

   1. Why did Deb start LinuxChix?                                            
      This was Deb's answer in the original FAQ:                              
      There are two answers to this question. First, I started LinuxChix      
      because I thought it would be fun. Happily, I can report that my        
      suspicions were correct. The second answer is a bit longer.             
      I started LinuxChix because I got tired of seeing new users being       
      browbeaten for asking "stupid" questions. I got tired of seeing people  
      respond to perfectly valid questions with "RTFM", or "we're not a Linux 
      help channel", and other such not-terribly-useful things. I got tired   
      of the locker-room mentality of the more popular online Linux forums.   
      I started LinuxChix as an attempt to create a more hospitable community 
      in which people can discuss Linux, a community that encourages          
      participation, that doesn't allow the quieter among us to be drowned    
      out by the vocal minority.                                              
      There is a growing misconception that this vocal minority is            
      representative of the Linux community in general, and I wanted to do my 
      part in making sure that new Linux users realize that this is not the   
      case. The vast majority of the people in the Linux community are good,  
      friendly, helpful, generous people. These people don't have time to sit 
      and post on a web-based Linux forum, however, because they're too busy  
      out there trying to get real work done. The result is that the popular  
      web-based forums tend to be populated largely by people who have little 
      better to do with their time.                                           
      And that vocal minority has a strong tendency to be brash, harsh, and   
      intolerant of people who know less than they. This scares new users     
      off, and reflects badly on the Linux community as a whole. LinuxChix is 
      one attempt to offset the damage done.                                  
      I'm also happy to report that it's working. One very telling quote:     
      "The large egos are what turned me away from seriously running linux    
      for years. It's only once linuxchix came along that I felt comfortable  
      enough to really dive into it."                                         
      And that's exactly why I started LinuxChix. To give women who use Linux 
      a comfortable environment in which to discuss the OS they love; to      
      create a community that encourages and helps new users; to make others  
      realize that the vocal minority does not necessarily represent the      
      Linux community in general.                                             
   2. Is LinuxChix solely for women? Are the lists solely for women? How      
      about the chapters?                                                     
      LinuxChix is intended to be an inclusive group where everyone is and    
      feels welcome. We do ask, however, that everyone keep in mind that it   
      is primarily inteded as a womens' group. What this means is: sexist     
      remarks are unwelcome. In fact, Deb originally asked that everyone      
      avoid all sweeping generalizations: sexism can be targetted at men as   
      well, which is also significantly uncool. All the silly -isms are       
      discouraged and will not be tolerated: sexism, ageism, racism, etc.     
         No, the lists are for everyone, with the exception of the            
         <grrls-only at linuxchix.org> list, which is women-only.                
         As long as people are generally polite and helpful, anyone is        
         welcome on the other lists. The LinuxChix co-ordinator reserves the  
         right to change this policy at any time. Please try to remember that 
         these are lists primarily meant for women. Act as if your            
         mom/sister/daughter were subscribed, and everything should be fine   
           "This is a list for respectful and supportive discussion of        
           issues regarding women, linux, and their intersection.             
           Discussion of gender issues is encouraged, however we're           
           striving for an environment free of the same old patriarchal       
           influence we face at work and from the other high-tech boy's       
                                       --Taken from discussion on the list.   
         Remember the posting guidelines: 1) be polite, 2) be helpful. That's 
         all we ask.                                                          
         Some of the chapters have found it necessary to restrict their       
         membership to women. Check the chapter's individual guidelines on    
         the website, or ask the chapter's membership.                        
   3. If men are welcome, why call it LinuxChix?                              
      LinuxChix is intended to be primarily for women. The name is an         
      accurate reflection of that fact. Men are welcome because we do not     
      want this group to be exclusive. Also, not everyone who considers       
      themselves female is necessarily biologically female. "Sex" and         
      "gender" are very different things.                                     
   4. What's a linuxchix chapter and how do I find one?                       
      The LinuxChix regional chapters exist in several places around the      
      world. These chapters have been formed to give women who use or are     
      interested in learning about Linux a way to meet other women with       
      similar interests. These chapters are loosely organized, informal, and  
      they don't require (or imply) any form of membership or fees. Mostly    
      it's just women hanging out with women, talking tech over coffee        
      (and/or cheesecake :). You can find the list of chapters at             
   5. How do I start a LinuxChix chapter in my region?                        
      Starting a chapter is quite simple. Find people on our lists or         
      elsewhere who live in your area and might be interested in joining.     
      Once you have some people who are interested, you should arrange        
      semi-regular meetings. Holding "official" meetings once per month is    
      usually standard, with "unofficial" meetings happening more             
      spontaneously as people decide they want or need them.                  
      Email <lcx.chapters at linuxchix.org> and give them contact details for    
      your chapter (your email at a minimum, or a chapter website if there is 
      one) so that they can link to you from the chapters webpage.            
      There are more suggestions for starting a chapter at                    
   6. Who drew the LinuxChix logo?                                            
      The original LinuxChix logo was done for Deb by her immensely talented  
      friend Tom B. You can view his online portfolio at                      
      http://www.tom-b.com/. A million thanks to Tom for doing up such a      
      great logo.                                                             
      The other logos have been done by a variety of people. (If you made a   
      logo and would like to be credited by name, email                       
      <lcx.faqs at linuxchix.org>.)                                              
   7. Who hosts the LinuxChix site and mailing lists?                         
      For the first year of its life, LinuxChix was hosted by the very        
      friendly and helpful people at Hub.org Networking Services.             
      Between March 2000 and June 2001, LinuxChix was hosted at               
      http://www.linux.org.uk/, who generously donated space for the project. 
      Linuxchix is currently (since June 2001) hosted by Jenn and Dancer      
      Thanks to everyone. Your generosity is astounding.                      
   8. Who is running LinuxChix?                                               
      LinuxChix was imagined and started by Deb Richardson. She ran it until  
      June 2001, when she handed it over to Dancer and I (Jenn Vesperman).    
      We're now running it, with the subsections handed over to various       
      volunteers. We're incredibly grateful to the volunteers - they protect  
      us from burnout!                                                        


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