[Techtalk] KDE 3 help

Mick Timony madra at gis.net
Thu Sep 19 15:41:03 EST 2002

I don't use mandrake, but using google I found this thread on
mandrakeforum.com. I guess the command switchdesk is available on
Mandrake (as it is on Red Hat).

Here's the thread:

If she can't find switchdesk on the task list, she should be able to
open a shell and type in switchdesk or "switchdesk gnome".

But, not having used Mandrake I can't verify that is correct.


> Message: 1
> From: mc <mcgonzalez at att.net>
> To: techtalk <techtalk at linuxchix.org>
> Date: 18 Sep 2002 19:44:02 -0600
> Subject: [Techtalk] KDE 3 help
> Greetings all!
> I am helping a friend who really wants to learn Linux in setting up a
> new box.  She bought one of those Mandrake 8.2 boxes from Walmart :) 
> She lives 2 states away , so I am having to do this over the phone also!
> Anyway.  I do not know KDE at all, much less KDE 3.  The problem is, she
> would rather use gnome.  Is there a desktop switching tool in
> KDE/mandrake like RedHat/Gnome has or do I need to edit config files?
> -- 
> mc
> I haven't lost my mind,
> It is backed up on disk somewhere.
> http://mcgonzalez.home.att.net

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