[Techtalk] Tell me I'm dreaming
showork at adelphia.net
Tue Sep 17 18:02:53 EST 2002
Hi Jenn and All,
Please note I can only speak from theory. It will be a while before I can
put my studies into practice.
First of all we're talking 802.11b(WiFi) right?
Your idea is feasible, the main point of sucess is if you can get a "line
of sight" or straight line to the "next" person in your group. Buildings
for the most part, block only a little of the signal. Trees shrubs
anything comtaining water and in contact with the ground will block the
signal almost completly.
Another component is directional antenna's, everyone would need one
pointed at at one individual in the group.
Two stories of sucess; One guy in the midwest US got near two miles in a
optimal setting, he was high in a mountain and the "connection" was in
line of sight across a valley. This person was instrumental in using
802.11b to hook up most of a town.
Another story is of individuals using aluminum foil lined "Pringle" cans
as directional antenna.
I would try a TV repair shop or Ham radio person/supplier to fill you in
on antenna uses.
I imaging you would set up your group as if you were using wire and that
wire costs like gold. You would string the hypothetical wire straight
and short as possible from one person to the other like a string and Can
"phone". Each person relaying info to the nearest one in the group. It
would work just like a mini-internet. The distance you mention is at the
limits, as I understand them, especially in the city. Mostly it depends on what
is the single longest distance, if that exceeds much more than about
half what you stated above. you might need to bring someone into your
group that just coincidentally lives a bit closer.(To bridge the distance.)
The one thing that would bring this idea down is if you needed repeaters
to get to the next hop in the "chain" They are quite expensive, though I
imgine you could use an old CPU with a card in it, to bridge the longest
distance,(a 486 would do dozens of people) if a place could be found to
plug it in between the two distant locations.
I have considered your idea for my own purposes and it appears to be
financially viable, much less (30% or more savings the first year much
more after that.) than everyone paying $50 a month. over a period of a year.
I am having a bear of a time just up-gradeing my OS, so someone else can
advise on the machanics of configuring.
I am in southern Maine US, do you know anyone whom i can call if I were
to get a ticket in Canada???(-; lol
Good luck, let us know if you attempt this,
Davis, Jennifer wrote:
> I was just wondering if there is a way to set up a wireless network that
> would have a 750m - 1.0km range (Affordably)? I have a group of about 5
> friends all in my neighbourhood and I thought rather than all of us spend
> $50.00 for a high speed connection which would keep us on line only when we
> are near a wire, we could share one bigger pipe and be on line with wireless
> modems. We're talking 5, 6 & 8 blocks away. My place is the furthest one
> to the west. It may have been more feasible if I was in the centre.
> Most of the products I have seen are in the 100m range. It does seem like I
> am wasting my time pondering this, but if there is a way, I would like to
> figure it out.
> Jenn
>>Jennifer Davis
>>Constitutional & Administrative Law - Droit administratif &
>>Department of Justice Canada - Ministère de la Justice du Canada
>>*(613) 957-4963 - fx (613) 941-1937
>>*jdavis at justice.gc.ca
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