[Techtalk] using FDISK

Davis, Jennifer JDavis at JUSTICE.GC.CA
Tue Oct 29 12:16:15 EST 2002

Even easier would be cfdisk.  It's a bit more visual.

-----Original Message-----
From: Carla Schroder [mailto:carla at bratgrrl.com]
Sent: 2002 Oct 28 23:17
To: Techtalk
Subject: Re: [Techtalk] using FDISK

On Monday 28 October 2002 20:07, arashi wrote:
> My computer has been formatted for linux, and I'd like to change it back
> so that it runs just Windows (need to do this so it's easier to sell).
> How do I use Fdisk to do this?  Normally, I'd read the manual but I have
> to be out of my apartment very soon.  If someone would be kind enough to
> provide step by step instructions, or point me to a website that does,
> I'd appreciate that very much!
> Many Thanks
> Berenice

EZ as pie. As root, type fdisk /dev/hda, assuming that is your correct hard 
drive designation.  It will say

Command (m for help): m

So type m already to see all the commands.

p displays the partition table. Partitions are /dev/hda1, /dev/hda2 etc.

d /dev/hda1 to delete.

w activates the changes, q quits without changing anything

delete em all, then let Windows do its own partitioning and formatting. A 
Windows 98 rescue disk is still one of the most useful tools for any version

of Winderz.

Carla Schroder
Bratgrrl Computing
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