[Techtalk] Clueless about Ripping & Encoding Audio

Beth Johnson linux.chick at verizon.net
Tue Oct 8 22:29:32 EST 2002

So I have the latest Grip installed, with Lame and bladeenc both
installed from the freshest stable tarballs.

I'm trying to rip and encode my cds (I have the full copy of MusicMatch,
which works but it's glacially slow in Linux (read: encodes as quickly
as it plays)).  I can play the cds and I can burn cds so I know that the
setup isn't a problem.

When I try to rip and encode I either get no files or files that are
only 128 or 368 bytes, which seem to be just the tags because they only
show up when I force tags.  And the rip and encode takes about 5

Can anyone share some basic get-this-sucker-running type help on what to

  /\/\    Beth Johnson
 / o o\   Cosmic Wonderer
( / ^^\)  Springfield, MA USA
 \ M_M/   "Ruling a country is like cooking a small fish--
           you have to handle it with care."--Lao Tzu

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