[Fwd: Re: [Techtalk] sendmail/RBL question (linuxchix)]

Linda Laubenheimer ljl at rahul.net
Fri Mar 29 00:16:30 EST 2002

Terri Oda wrote:
> At 07:44 PM 28/03/02 -0800, you wrote:
> >In case this hasn't made it through the moderator(s)...
> I don't think I'm going out on much of a limb to say that all legit mail
> makes it through the moderators... eventually.  We're busy people. :)  I
> authorized the original copy of this post before noticing that it'd already
> been re-posted by Linda, in case anyone's wondering about the duplicate.

I did the repost because I knew you might be busy, but didn't want to 
bog down the conversation... I just left out the "yet" in the former 
statement.  Thanks for being much faster (or less busy) than I had 

Linda J Laubenheimer - UNIX Geek, Sysadmin, Bibliophile and Iconoclast
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