[Techtalk] New bill

WolfRyder wolfryder at qwest.net
Thu Mar 28 19:06:11 EST 2002

In conjunction with the below site, here's the word, right from the horse's 


from there, copy/paste in  S.2048 where it asked for the bill number and 
it'll take you right to the text of the bill.

I'm particularly angry about sections 4, 5 & 6...note the fine for being 
caught altering a device you bought a paid for...

Carol aka Wolfie

At 11:00 AM 3/28/02 -0800, FerrariGirl wrote:
>Well they did it!! SEN. Stevens along with his partner in crime from SC 
>have officialy introduced the SSSCA under a new name the Consumer 
>Broadband and Digital Television Promotion Act (CBDTPA)bill (S.2048): This 
>is bad very bad.  It will make Linux and other open source software as we 
>know it illegal same with building your own box at home or using non 
>government approved parts or software on any network.
>Full images of the proposed bill are here:
>Not very nice stuff!
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