[Techtalk] Setting up mailserver..

Alinda alinda.linux at gmx.net
Wed Mar 27 08:03:50 EST 2002

Hello techtalk,

I have a question, I run a mail-server on the server of our home LAN
(with 3 very active users who receive loads of mail, and own two domain
names, have an ADSL connection with a fixed IP. Now I have been
wondering if you could set it up so I don't need intermediair pop
accounts for collecting mail to keep the mail separated, that isn't
addressed by name (ie mailing lists and bcc's), to the various user

Right now the setup is, there is our general isp email account, the
mail-server collect from there, everything specifically addressed to one
of us, gets to that one user, everything not so addressed goes to
everyone. Then I have email redirection setup towards various free pop
services on the web, from which the mail-server collects the email for a
specific user/owner of email address. Now I was wondering if I could
somehow skip the 'user' pop services, as more and more of them are
stopping to either offer pop, or switching to paid service, and let the
mail-server act as such .

Best regards,
     Alinda                            mailto:alinda.linux at gmx.net

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