[Techtalk] Re: Lindows info

wny-tc at juno.com wny-tc at juno.com
Wed Mar 20 22:23:29 EST 2002

 to lump these all together, but I have received a number of replies to
my earlier post, and some "covert" info from a Lindows "insider" who
requests to remain nameless (Hi little brother!)

Lindows is a crass commercial venture.  No open source here.  They are
looking to make money off dissatisfied Microsoft customers.

They plan to introduce a commercial product as soon as their lawyers say
it is safe.

It doesn't work for squat on anything newer than Office 97 at this time. 
Gamers can forget it!

Don't hold your breath until you see it for sale at CompUseless.

Little Brother says that his Mac with OS X and various Virtual PC
packages do far more and actually work.

Well, I am not in the market for a Mac, so I will continue working
towards a pair of machines or a dual-boot system sometime.  Gotta get the
daughter thru school first!  Priorities and all that...

73, Wm. Keith Hibbert, WB2VUO, Trustee of the NQ2RP/B 10 M beacon
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