[Techtalk] Gnome 2.0

Carla Schroder carla at bratgrrl.com
Fri Jan 18 22:14:53 EST 2002

I believe they mean Nikolas Tesla- is it a requirement of computer writers 
that they are unable to spell?- tho I'm not sure what bug reporting has to do 
with it. Tesla theorized a super-weapon, a death ray, that could destroy 
remote targets, and everything in the path leading to them.

Anyway he was a marvelously original thinker, if you haven't read about his 
life it's fascinating. He really should be known for more than the Tesla 
coil, and his supposed death ray.
Carla Schroder, ace PC goddess
Plain English Spoken Here
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on Red Hat Linux 7.2

On Friday 18 January 2002 09:53 am, Glen Strom wrote:
> I just read the press release about the alpha release of Gnome 2.0.
> There was an interesting paragraph in there that someone on this
> list (you know who you are!) can explain. Here's the paragraph:
> "If you have incredible talents at breaking GNOME, perhaps even to
> rival Telsa's infamous path of destruction (and excellent bug
> reporting of said path), this alpha release is made for you!"
> So, what exactly is this "infamous path of destruction?" And
> please don't leave out the juice parts ;->
> Glen Strom
> gstrom at eol.ca
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