[Techtalk] hello, anyone out there
Tabatha Persad
tabatha3 at attbi.com
Fri Aug 2 12:36:40 EST 2002
On Fri, 2002-08-02 at 11:52, Jenn Vesperman wrote:
> On Sat, 2002-08-03 at 01:38, Sam Bradshaw wrote:
> > 1) On boot-up the default is to go to Linux, how do I change this?
> Do you know whether your boot loader is Lilo or Grub?
> It's easily changeable, we just need to know which it is so we can tell
> you how. :) (Or we can tell you how for each.)
I'm not sure if you are running Mandrake with Gnome or KDE, but in the
Gnome environment (I use Mandrake 8.2), you click the equivalent of the
start button, go to Config, and then you should see Boot & Init - this
is where you should find options to set up which OS defaults. This may
only be in the case of LILO though.
> > 2) I just bought a USB mouse and a USB keyboard (paid a lot), I love this
> > new equipment as it is sleek and silver -- but now I can't use Linux at all
> > anymore! I don't want two sets of keyboards and mice.
> I know Linux has USB support, it just needs to be configured. I've never
> used USB anything with Linux, though. Someone can tell you how.
I have unused USB on my machine, so limited help here, but if you click
"start", Configuration, and then choose HardDrake (equivalent of Windows
device manager), you may see USB interfaces on the list. If your system
found the USB, you should have a button to run the configuration tool
from there.
> > 3) I am pretty concerned with privacy because people are always trying to
> > hack into my computer (for several reasons), what is a good firewall
> > software to install for Linux.
> It's pre-installed. I forget whether it's IPtables or IPchains that's
> the current tool, but whichever it is is already there. It will need
> configuring, however. (Someone with more experience than me will point
> you at the relevent HOWTO.)
I think that Linux requires less intense security as Windows, since it
is naturally more security conscious, but per Jenn's advice, if you're
interested, you can find howtos on the above at www.tldp.org.
> > 4) I don't know how to install anything! The look and feel that I picked for
> > Linux mandrake does not include Netscape but some other junk browser, how do
> > I actually install the Netscape browser.
> Galeon, Konquerer and Opera are all good browsers. However, Netscape is
> available.
> I believe that if you look in your menus, you should find either GnoRPM
> or KPackage. These are installation tools, and you can probably find
> Netscape listed - if not, all you need to do is download the Netscape
> RPM and tell your packager where to find the package.
Mozilla is very Netscapey, plus you can also download and easily install
skins (just restart the browser for the new look). It looks and feels
just like Netscape, and comes with Mandrake.
Jenn already mentioned the packaging programs. They are located at
"start", Configuration, and under Packaging. You may even have the
Mandrake update program. It's gotten better since the 8.2 release for
updating security issues and bugs, and I think it's more intuitive with
dependencies than some package programs.
> Someone who knows Mandrake .. please confirm that I've mentioned the
> right tools, and tell her how? :)
> > 5)I need some good "office type" software that will be somewhat compatible
> > with word, etc.. what do I do?
> There's probably some already installed. Check your menus for any of the
> following:
> AbiWord
> StarOffice
> OpenOffice
> KWord
> KOffice (I think)
AbiWord, KWord and Koffice are definitely defaults in Mandrake - Sun had
StarOffice 5.1 (may still have), but changed the suite to OpenOffice,
also a default in Mandrake 8.2. Staroffice/Openoffice easily handle MS
Office documents.
> > I want to try to move to Linux, but right now all I am having is
> > difficulty..
> Learning curve. You had the same trouble with whichever operating system
> you started with, you've just forgotten it.
I think one of the hardest things about changing from Windows to Linux
is just figuring out where the equivalents are, so one can create a
happy OS environment to work in. www.linuxnewbie.org/nhf has a lot of
great starting-out documentation if you like reading!
I have gotten to a point where for once I can do anything in Linux that
I was previously doing in Windows. If I didn't need the Windows
environment for other projects I would have ditched it a long time ago!
If I can help answer any questions, let me know!
Tabatha Persad
Web: www.merlinmonroe.com
Linux Documentation Project Editor (http://www.tldp.org)
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