[Techtalk] New to the list...new to linux

Jesika tx-kewtie at satx.rr.com
Sun Sep 30 02:50:01 EST 2001

> So yes, she -can- ask people here to teach her Unix 101. We might
> refer her to books, but she's CERTAINLY welcome on the list, to learn
> stuff like this.
> Sunlover: please re-read the web pages & the FAQ. Beginner's questions
> are welcome here. 'RTFM' and similar grades of answer are NOT welcome
> except as helpful pointers. It's a fine line.

Thank you SO much Jenn, I was beginning to get a little worried that perhaps
this list wasn't what I thought it was.  I'm still attempting to install
Linux on my primary "goofing-around" machine, and once that is successful,
I'm bound to have stupid questions, since I often get pushed aside when our
other Linux machines develop a problem.  I'm really bad at learning from
books/online documentation/etc.  Many things which come easily to others
have to be spelled out to me.  I have spent many a late nite chat having
someone patiently walk me through basics such as how to un-tar and install a
program (couldn't find the darn file), and how to use programs like BitchX
(...still working on that one...).  If we want to refer everyone to the
manual, we might as well give up on making Linux a viable mainstream
alternative.  I figure if I can figure this out, anyone can.  It's just a
matter of how the material is presented.  Thanks again Jenn!


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