[Techtalk] Security Issue:disallowing external access to X windows

Andrew Wendt awendt at putergeek.com
Thu Sep 13 21:09:44 EST 2001

On September 14, 2001 00:28, Jennifer S. Davis wrote:
> I was wondering if it were possible to take this  thread off in a
> tangent.  I was wonderng if I could access X from my home PC.  I have a
> stable IP and could block out everything else.  The only problem is that I
> am on a win98 system?  Any suggestions?

You want remote X applications to display on your Win98 system? In that case 
you will need an X server that runs under Win98...

There are some commercial ones, but the only free one I know of is a Java 
server that you can find here:

You might also want to try VNC... It doesn't use the X protocol, but you can 
disconnect from an entire session and reconnect, and everything will be where 
you left it. Their home page is here:


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